July Agronomy Update
Jul 02, 2019
This year’s plots are ready for you to see. They are located in four locations--Mazomanie, Mt. Horeb, Platteville and West Salem. We would like to invite all of you out for a visit when a day and time fits your schedule. Just contact your local agronomist and they will gladly take time to guide you with a personal tour thru one of the area plots we have. This year the staff really worked hard and added some great trials that will bring you valuable insights to gain knowledge and in turn, more yields and profits. The plots not only showcase seed varieties, but many side by sides of various rates of CPP, Crop Nutrients, Bio-Stimulant products and common cultural practices. In addition, the plots will give you:
A careful and practical diagnosis of where our plants are developmentally.
Thoughts about how to best utilize the tools and knowledge of a Premier Agronomist.
Info on any and all of the essential agronomic practices as they apply to this year’s crop.
Ideas about how to manage to maximize profit in our current economic climate.
Who knows, by taking in a few hours of a tour, we might just be able to provide you with a new practice or product that you find will fit for your farm and bring that next step in added yield and profit. Once again, we encourage you to take a tour and seek out new ideas. Contact your Premier Agronomist to take a tour and see just how impactful it can be.
It has been said that the first 35-45 days after planting are critical when looking for early season stress on a corn crop. After soil testing, plant tissue analysis is the second-best tool to help improve crop nutrition and yield during that time. While soil testing identifies the nutrients offered to the crop, tissue sampling identifies how well the plants are utilizing the soil and applied nutrients. With the current season’s challenges of timely plantings, tissue testing is a valuable tool as you try to maximize your yield on soils that you may have planted not in the best conditions. These conditions have favored sidewall compaction and poor seed furrow closure which create potential for rootless corn syndrome and poor root development. Couple this with added rainfall and we have a prime situation for less than ideal nutrient uptake. Use tissue testing to check the effectiveness of your fertility programs, check for stress, and improve yields. We all know how challenging the season has been, so give your Premier Agronomist or local Agronomy Center a call to help you manage your planted acre for top production
A careful and practical diagnosis of where our plants are developmentally.
Thoughts about how to best utilize the tools and knowledge of a Premier Agronomist.
Info on any and all of the essential agronomic practices as they apply to this year’s crop.
Ideas about how to manage to maximize profit in our current economic climate.
Who knows, by taking in a few hours of a tour, we might just be able to provide you with a new practice or product that you find will fit for your farm and bring that next step in added yield and profit. Once again, we encourage you to take a tour and seek out new ideas. Contact your Premier Agronomist to take a tour and see just how impactful it can be.
It has been said that the first 35-45 days after planting are critical when looking for early season stress on a corn crop. After soil testing, plant tissue analysis is the second-best tool to help improve crop nutrition and yield during that time. While soil testing identifies the nutrients offered to the crop, tissue sampling identifies how well the plants are utilizing the soil and applied nutrients. With the current season’s challenges of timely plantings, tissue testing is a valuable tool as you try to maximize your yield on soils that you may have planted not in the best conditions. These conditions have favored sidewall compaction and poor seed furrow closure which create potential for rootless corn syndrome and poor root development. Couple this with added rainfall and we have a prime situation for less than ideal nutrient uptake. Use tissue testing to check the effectiveness of your fertility programs, check for stress, and improve yields. We all know how challenging the season has been, so give your Premier Agronomist or local Agronomy Center a call to help you manage your planted acre for top production